BidWritingServices.co.uk specialises in providing full bid management services for organisations in all sectors. We understand that each business has different requirements when it comes to their approach to competitive tendering, this is why we work with you to gain a unique understanding of your business so that we can tailor our services to create the highest quality submissions for your business.
Work can be carried out remotely or at your site, this usually depends on the requirements and the size of the bid. Smaller tenders can be completely remotely with regular communication, whilst larger tenders and PQQs are likely to need some element of site presence, whether that be just meetings, or a full time presence.
We build a bid management library with subject specialist content to aid in the completion of future tender/PQQ submissions.
Bid Management Services
Our Bid Management services can be as involved as you like, providing any combination of the following services. This allows you to select the areas you need assistance with.
Need help to improve your bids?
Contact us for a FREE no obligation discussion on how to write better bids.
Bid Writing
Whether it's the whole bid, or just some areas you need assistance with. Our competent bid writers can support your business in the completion of high scoring tender/PQQ answers. We will produce answers that thoroughly answer the question asked, using the scoring guidelines and any sub-criteria to show the marker how your business is the right organisation for the job.
Bid Co-Ordination & Management
Bidding is not just about writing great content, a good bid is planned thoroughly, with input from experts in specialist subject areas, and based around a coherent win theme. Our team can co-ordinate and manage your bid from start to finish, working with your team to understand the benefits your business will bring to the contract, and formulate high scoring answers from this.
Don't let your bid fall at the first hurdle. Typos, spelling and grammatical errors can get in the way of a very strong answer as they become distracting to the person reading and scoring your submission. We can review your bid to ensure it is free from error, and also ensure the language matches that in the specification.
Pre-Submission Review
If you've completed a tender/PQQ in house, but would like a "fresh pair of eyes" to check the question is properly answered, and to ensure it scores highly. We will review the questions, and how they have been answered, producing a gap analysis on where improvements can be made, and use this to rework the bid.
Designing & Formatting
In the world of electronic tendering and e-procurement, a well designed bid document is still an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism and helps the reader to navigate easily. A well designed tender submission will signpost the reader to important elements of your answer, and show that you have answered the question they've asked. We can produce well formatted tender documents that will be functional and attractive.
Printing & Submission
Electronic tendering has significantly reduced the need for hard copy bid submissions, but it hasn't gone away completely. We can assist with the printing of high quality bids and ensure they are delivered to the customer on time.